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[MEF Dynamics] Ментальное силовое поле | The Mental Force Field (Morphic Field)

Складчина [MEF Dynamics] Ментальное силовое поле | The Mental Force Field (Morphic Field). Совместные покупки курсов, тренингов, обучения. Присоединяйтесь! Важен каждый вкладчик.

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    [MEF Dynamics] Ментальное силовое поле | The Mental Force Field (Morphic Field)

    Я сказал вам всем, что на этой неделе я выпущу для вас еще несколько полей, и я не дурачился! Это поле здесь просто необходимо иметь! Прежде чем я продолжу, я должен заявить, что это поле было изначально создано моим отцом, когда я даже не знал о полях. За эти годы я добавил много удивительных вещей в эту область и продолжаю это делать, но это самая мощная версия на данный момент.

    Сегодня большинство из нас очень заботятся о своем здоровье и теле. Мы заботимся о том, что есть и когда есть. Когда дело доходит до того, чем мы питаем свой разум, нас это не очень волнует. Ум - это все. Кем, как ты думаешь, ты становишься.

    Оглянитесь вокруг. Что бы вы ни смотрели и что бы вы ни слышали, это пища для вашего ума. Чем бы вы ни кормили его сегодня, это повлияет на ваше завтра.

    В наши дни вокруг нас слишком много негатива, и мы всегда должны заботиться о том, что впитывать, а что пропускать.

    Вот почему Ментальное Силовое поле так важно, поскольку оно действует как щит от негативных мыслей и программирования. Ментальное силовое поле также укрепляет разум, поскольку оно делает ваш разум сверхустойчивым, мощным, нерушимым и силой, с которой нужно считаться.

    Ментальное силовое поле способствует развитию блестящего ума, поскольку оно повышает креативность, интеллектуальное мышление, более острый ум и сверхобильное мышление, поскольку оно очищает разум и устраняет любую существующую тревогу. Это было главным в моей жизни и во многих других. Так рад, что я наконец-то смогу поделиться этим со всеми вами!

    Выпьем за блестящий ум!
    The Mental Force Field (Morphic Field)

    I told you all that I would be releasing some more fields to you this week and I was not playing around! This field here is a must have! Before I go on, I must state that this field was originally created by my father back when I didn't even know about fields. Over the years I added many amazing things to this field and continue to do so but this is the most potent version as of yet.

    Today, most of us are very conscious about our health and body. We take care what to eat and when to eat. When it comes to what we are feeding our mind, we don’t care much about it. The mind is everything. What you think you become.

    Look around you. Whatever you are watching and whatever you are hearing is the food for your mind. Whatever you feed it today will affect your tomorrow.

    Nowadays, there is too much negativity around us, and we should always take care what to absorb and what to pass over.

    This is why the Mental Force Field is so important as it acts as a shielder to negative thoughts and programming. The Mental Force Field also empowers the mind as it makes your mind become super resilient, powerful, unbreakable and a force to be reckoned with.

    The Mental Force Field promotes a brilliant mind as it boosts creativity, intelligent thinking, sharper mind and a super abundant mindset as it clears the mind and removes any existing anxiety. This has been a staple in my life and many others. So excited that I get to finally share it you all of you!

    Cheers to a brilliant mind!

    On another note, for those purchasing the cheapest version of my products just to purposely leave a bad review thanks for the cash and good luck! For those who purchase with good intensions and to show support, please make sure to leave me a good rating so that I can continue to provide great fields here! Thanks buddies!

    Versions Available:

    Advanced Morphic Field
    This Version works at the same level of our youtube and or Patreon versions as it is an Advanced Morphic field providing quick and powerful results. Its no doubt that many users have been reaping the benefits from the fields provided on youtube and patreon. Now you can own the file and listen when you desire without worrying about internet connection.

    Tailor-Made Version

    The Tailor-Made Version is an advanced Morphic field that caters to the listener by working exclusively for the listener that purchased the field. Be sure to be the first listener when purchasing this field to ensure the max results. Since it targets that one person, it amplifies the effects and results!

    Monogrammed Version
    This unique version is also an Advanced Morphic field that I invented a while back that literally allows the user to reap the benefits of the tailor-made version while also having other benefits the include even more faster and powerful results. This field will literally interlace your entire being and core to its effects boosting effects tenfold. With this field, it does not matter who listens to it first, as it will only work on you 100%.

    Silent Version
    Many of my clients in the past requested silent versions of my fields. This version is an advanced field that allows you to reap the benefits of the Tailor-made and Monogrammed Version all in one and the only difference is that it is completely silent. Many individuals prefer silent fields for many different reasons.

    Revolutionary Version
    I created this field as one of my most recent advanced morphic field versions. It works by combing the Tailor-Made and Monogrammed Versions while also bringing in astonishingly fast results! I like to revamp and use new techniques as I always stay ahead of the times. I do not believe in just always using the same methods always. This is why my fields considered "Advanced" and not just your normal morphic field. Its Revolutionary since it combines modern and untapped futuristic techniques that are absolutely incredible! Most of my A-listers usually purchase this version or the Ultra-Dynamics Version.

    Ultra-Dynamics Version
    This is just totally next level! This version combines all the previous versions in one and basically provides the fastest and most powerful results period. My A-listers mostly purchase this version when they need a quick results for there lifestyles. I normally charge my clients thousands of dollars for these fields but I want my work to available to the public as a way of me giving back to the blessings that I received. Plus I feel as this will help humanity as a whole once more people become involved with fields in general.

    *ALL purchases are instant downloads

    *You Will receive an email with Mp3 link to your field.

    *Headphones are always optional (Yes you can use headphones with my fields)
    Организатор, 4 ноя 2021
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